Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability."

Woot woot time to blog!
This week has been a typical summer week with some glimpses of joy and happiness mixed in with boredom and laziness.
On Monday, I got to intern for a day at the world. It was awesome and I loved it. I followed Lisa Mullens around all day and I had a lot of fun with her as well as with the rest of the staff at the world. She has had a lot of experience with broadcast journalism all around the world and she had a lot of advice to impart on me. We began the morning with their daily meeting, discussing what the show was going to be about with the producers in London. It was cool. We then read a lot of stories in the news room and did an interview at 9:30. I got to help write the questions. They were interviewing international students who were in New York for the first spelling bee for non-native English speakers. They were phenomenal. I then helped Dave find a story for the daily GeoQuiz, and we ended up calling these people on Cyprus who were concerned about their village's tomb. Apparently, if you scrape off part of the tomb and put it in someone's drink, they will fall in love with you. Not true. We interviewed him, too, but unfortunately were unable to air it because the quality was bad. Sadly, I didn't get a story on my first day. Bummer. But I helped to edit a story about Afghanistan's first national park, and when I was done with that I got to sit in on the recording of the show. I learned about this temple that's supposed to fall from the sky, Indian reality tv, and a Latin singer named Bebe. It was a very fun day.
Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for Tuesday and Wednesday. They were lame. On the brightside I finished Sister Carrie and got a month's worth of laundry done, so it wasn't totally counterproductive.
Today I went into Worcester to visit my favorite place, MAMAS!! I got a yearbook and got approved for community service. Thank god, or else I would have had to jump off a cliff cause I would still need 40 hours. Then my mom, Thomas, and I went shopping at the Auburn Mall.
And that is my week! So boring. I can't wait to get back to school.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Long time no see.

Wow, I've been slacking on the blogging. It's been nearly a week since I blogged last. To be totally honest, there isn't much to talk about because nothing really ever goes on here. Anyways, I'll do my best.
Last Sunday was Rui's 18th birthday, so we all went to Stephanie's house to celebrate this once in a lifetime occasion. It ended up being me, Steph, Rui, Hailey, Avri, Giff, Gabby, and Alex. I made awesome ice cream cone cupcakes, I even dyed the batter. They were awesome. We all sat in Steph's house and then Steph was like "I need a new phone." So we went and met these really sketchy people from Craig's list and she [most likely] got a stolen chocolate. Then we went back to Steph's house and we all watched Borat. I had already seen it. I mean, I laughed a few times, but it's not that good. Honestly. (Sorry Aashish!)
I had to leave Steph's house and go home because the next morning my car had to go get a new muffler. Being carless and all, I didn't really go anywhere on Monday. But I did finish my summer reading book, Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman. I would have liked this book better if I were more into science in general, but it was alright. Now I'm reading Sister Carrie, which is pretty messed up but yet it accurately portrays how guys will let women use them.
On Tuesday I read a lot of that book. I also attended a Zumba class with Jessica. (Zumba: fitness program inspired by Latin dance. Spanish slang for "to move fast and have fun.) These classes are most interesting because there are a lot of older women who just slack off in the back and scream "Ay! Ay! Ay!" from time to time. It was all good fun.
On Wednesday I went to Lea's house. I am not to disclose what we did there because we are embarrassed of the 8 hours of tv we watched. Oops, too late. Lots of wife swap and ghost hunters.
Thursday I went to the doctor's to be told that I still have an ear infection. It's so awesome, I have to go to a specialist because I haven't been able to hear in 8 weeks.
Friday was definitely the most fun day this week. I went to Hampton beach with Luke, Brittney, Hailey, Gabby, Rui, Steph, Sarah Platt, Alex, and Steve Tsai. We basically chilled on the beach all day and had a ton of fun. It was a perfect beach day and I did not get a sunburn. But I did have this amazingly good Island Oasis Rasberry Smoothie. I then drove Luke, Britt, and Gabby to the Solomon Pond Mall and we chilled there for like three hours. We got to do whatever we wanted in Brookstone because Gabby's sister Heather works there. It was awesome! Then I drove Luke and Britt (I'm just going to start calling them LB) back to Westminster and had cupcakes that Rachel made. They were very good. Then I drove back home and after adding 300 miles to my odometer, went to sleep.
Yesterday I worked at the Grace House once again but this time with Alex Cote. We only worked for 6 hours serving people. That job is pretty exhausting and you meet some pretty interesting people.
Now, I am chilling in my room writing this blog. It's hard to believe that there are only two weeks left of summer. To be honest, I am ready to go back to school because it has been a very, very long summer. I enjoy vacation, but I really want everyone to be together again!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's August!

Alright, so I just wanted to say my favorite part of the year is now over (May, June, July). But, on the bright side I have Labor Day weekend to look forward to. Sadly, for all my readers out there I do not have any photo additions to add to this blog. I know the true fans will look past that and continue reading though.
Let's see...what have I been up to lately?
On Wednesday Lea and I packed up the car (Gretta) and headed to the beach. This is also the day in which my exhaust decided to break on me so it sounded like I was driving an 18 wheeler. So I get to Lea's and the sky is gray and we take a ride to the beach where the sky is also gray. It was gray all day. But it wasn't raining like it has been all summer so it wasn't too bad. While we're sitting on the beach eating our candy and chips we bought at Wal-Mart this family decides to basically sit on top of us. They pitched a stupid beach tent about 4 feet from my head. We just laughed about it for like 10 minutes. Then, we went in the water and I fell asleep with my mouth open and stuff like that. It was a pretty typical beach day with Lea in which we laughed every two minutes. I went home and went to bed.
The next morning I went over to MacMed Spa and I got a facial. It was extremely relaxing and my face had cleared up a ton since then. Unfortunately, we walked out without tipping the lady. Oops. The rest of the day was kind of boring and uneventful. Except when I watched the Colbert Report and found this awesome band called Movits! I keep listening to their very catchy song, Fel Del Av Garden. Yeah, they're Swedish.
Friday was a really fun and tiring day because I went into Boston early to look at Boston University and Boston College. After touring both schools I definitely liked Boston University more. It is right in the city, it had a lot of options, and it has what I'm looking for. The atmosphere was much more laid back and the students were, too. I know a lot of people have problems with the fact that there isn't really a legit campus, but that didn't bother me at all. Boston College had a beautiful campus but it was way too removed for me. It took almost an hour on the T to get to Government Center! It was also a little bit too religious for my liking. It was almost like they were forcing you to get involved and have fun there. I think I'll apply to both schools, but I know which one I like more. Oh, while we were at BC we thought we saw some nun praying to this beautiful statue of Mary. Then we realized she was just talking on her cell phone. Anyways, after the college visits we went to the north end and quincy market and ate at Trattoria di Monica and I had the most delicious gnoccis. It was amazing. I pretty much just passed out when I got home. Since I dragged Thomas around all day, he got pretty tired, too:
On Saturday, I got 12 hours of community service at the Grace House in Framingham. It was a long day. I started at 7:30. We picked up clothes, folded clothes, picked up food, got ready for dinner, went to a yard sale, served dinner, and then cleaned up. It was fun, minus rubbing aloe on people's backs and getting hit on by homeless men. I got home this day and passed out too.
Well, that's all for now. Peace out!